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location:  Transition  >  Testosterone  >  Costs

The following is a summary of most of my T-related costs. The portion insurance paid is listed in green, and the out of pocket portion is listed in red.

Doctor's Appointments and Bloodwork
Although my (past) doctor normally billed office visits as Hypogonadism, I requested to pay out of pocket because at the time there were still some outstanding bills pending with my insurance company for my hysterectomy. For the one bloodwork before 7/2005 that was partially paid for by insurance, I had not changed my sex designation yet, and believe they paid for this one because I had some bloodwork done for my dermatologist at the same time. After I changed my sex designation with my insurance company to male, I was able to bill my visits as Hypogonadism. Between mid-2005 and late 2009, I did not see an endocrinologist in the office purely for testosterone-realted issues - my family doctor ordered my bloodwork and called in my prescriptions when I saw them for other reasons; that is why this list includes only bloodwork-related costs from 7/2005-12/2009. Starting in 12/2009, I began using the Testopel Implant so the costs associated with doctors visits also include the costs associated with the implants themselves.

Date Costs   Item
5/15/03   $205.00   Dr. Korff consultation, Nurse learn-to-inject appointment
9/7/03   90.00   Dr. Korff 3 months on T appointment
11/14/03   90.00   Dr. Korff 6 months on T appointment
12/9/03   143.00   Bloodwork
3/8/04   45.00   Dr. Korff 9 months on T appointment
3/16/04   108.80   Bloodwork -- rejected by insurance
6/12/04 164.42 41.10   Bloodwork
6/12/04   98.00   Dr. Korff 1 year and half on T appointment
10/18/04   335.53   Bloodwork -- rejected by insurance
7/6/04       Bloodwork -- unknown amount
7/12/05   70.00   Dr. Korff 2 years on T appointment
8/6/08 $1,502.00 0.00   Bloodwork - CBC with Differential, Total and Free Testosterone (trough), Chemistry and Lipid panels
8/8/08 733.00 0.00   Bloodwork - Total and Free Testosterone (peak)
12/9/09 340.00 20.00   Doctor's appointment - Testopel consultation
12/14/09 1,095.00 20.00   Doctor's appointment - Testopel implantation (6 pellets)
1/13/10 95.00 0.00   Bloodwork - Total Testosterone level
2/13/10 703.00 0.00   Bloodwork - Total and Free Testosterone levels
2/23/10 1,430.00 20.00   Doctor's appointment - Testopel implantation (8 pellets)
6/3/10 95.00 0.00   Bloodwork - Total Testosterone level
7/7/10 95.00 0.00   Bloodwork - Total Testosterone level
7/21/10 1,285.00 20.00   Doctor's appointment - Testopel implantation (8 pellets)


Testosterone Prescriptions
Before my insurance company fully paid for my hysterectomy, I never willingly submitted any of my testosterone or T-related expenses to my insurance company, for fear it would raise questions about my policy and jeopardise payment of the surgery when it was still pending. I know that Brooks in particular automatically tried to get my insurance to pay for my needles/syringes when I filled them there, and it was always (as expected) rejected. In 8/2006, I signed up for health insurance with a new provider, and since I had already changed my sex designation, I signed up from the start as "male." Since then, I have had no problems getting them to cover testosterone prescriptions.

Date Costs   Item
5/15/03   $137.09   CVS -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL Testoterone Cypionate, 30 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
10/25/03   107.72   Walmart -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL Testoterone Cypionate
11/14/03   10.57   Brooks -- 30 pack of 1.5" 22g needles and 3ml syringes
5/8/04   3.49   Brooks -- 12 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
5/20/04   111.46   Walmart -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
7/23/04   3.49   Brooks -- 12 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
10/9/04   4.04   Brooks -- 12 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
10/27/04   12.49   Brooks -- 100 pack of 1" 25g needles (no syringes)
11/6/04   117.82   Walmart -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
12/18/04   4.04   Brooks -- 12 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
3/17/05   4.04   Brooks -- 12 pack of 1" 21g needles with 3ml syringes
4/5/05   111.46   Walmart -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
7/26/05   19.29   Brooks -- box of 100 1" 21g needles with 3ml syringes (stocking up for overseas)
7/26/05   87.21   CostCo -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson (stocking up for overseas)
1/12/06   112.88   Sam's Club -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
6/15/06   95.34   CostCo -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
6/15/06   4.93   CostCo -- 12 pack of 1" 22g needles with 3ml syringes
4/14/07 $47.99 30.00   Walmart -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
8/13/07 0.00 3.71   Walgreens -- 25 pack of 5/8" 25g needles (to begin subcutaneous injections)
12/2/07 67.99 10.00   Walgreens -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
3/1/08 0.00 8.74   Target Pharmacy -- box of 100 5/8" 25g needles
6/5/08 53.99 10.00   Target Pharmacy -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
12/18/08 67.79 10.00   Target Pharmacy -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
10/19/09 47.79 30.00   Target Pharmacy -- 10mL vial of 200mg/mL generic form of Testoterone Cypionate by Watson
All other testosterone script costs are accounted for in first set of costs - I changed to implants, which are included in costs associated with doctor's visits.


SUPER GRAND TOTAL (all testosterone costs on this page): $10,159.21
- $7,822.97 paid for by insurance
- $2,336.24 paid out of pocket